ANIMATED FILMSA collection of animated movies, Directed by Olov Burman 2006 – 2019 IMAGE GALLERIESHere you can find two still image galleries. One with concept-art made for various animated projects and one for drawings and artwork by Olov Burman that is un-related to animated films. COMMERCIAL PITCHESOn this page you can explore two pitch-documents that where made before the production to show the clients our creative vision. One Pitch is for Coca Cola and the other for Cartoon Network. Both pitcher where made by Mindbender Animation Studio. SHORT FILMSTwo short films are currently under development (Hairy Gold – 12 min and The Food Thief – 1,5 min). Read more about them here. You can also check out a 3D case study / making of for The Food Thief on this page. TV SERIES & FEATURE FILMSeveral longer format projects has been developed through out the years. Here are two examples of the projects that is being worked on in-between the commercial work. CONTACT Mail: Phone: +46 707 460 447 Office: Skiftesgatan 9C, 417 06, Gothenburg/ SWEDEN Social Media: