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STILLS / CONCEPT ART, PHOTOS AND SCULPTURES. This is a mixed gallery that contains a little bit of everything. Many of the images have been made with the use of Photoshop and some of them were a collaboration with other artists. 

STILLS / DRAWING OF THE DAY. As often as I can, I create a new image using any technique that matches my subject and inspiration.  The purpose of making these images is to continue learning and developing my visual style.  Currently, I am studying color theory so check in to see more new, colorful paintings pop up.

SHORT FILM / HAIRY GOLD. Hairy Gold is a twelve minute short film currently in production about a greedy man whose next door neighbor teaches him a lesson the hard way.  As pre production wraps up, we have begun to develop the visual style of the film overall and the animation.  The film will be made in 2D, without dialogue, and the humor will be driven by the animation style and timing of the characters.


Click on the link on the right to check out the making of for The Food Thief short. This project started out as an Animation test for another short-film (Hairy Gold). We wanted to create one character and one environment from the film to test out the technology and see how the film would look if done in 3D. The test turned into a 1,5 min short-film that is currently under production. 

COMMERCIAL PITCH / CARTOON NETWORK. This pitch document was presented to Cartoon Network showcasing ideas for a series of animated interstitials. Two of the four ideas were green lit and executed by Mindbender Animation Studio. My contribution was the design, art-direction, and preproduction.

COMMERCIAL PITCH / COCA COLA. I created this pitch in collaboration with the artists at Mindbender Animation Studio. The concept involves two Fluffy desert jerboas and their shared love for Coca Cola. 

TV-SERIES / EVERCAT AND DOGBOAT. This concept design was made in collaboration with Nickelodeon for a tv series. In the strange world of “Wherewhat” we get to follow the adventures of a group of friends and their Dog-boat.


The end goal have always been to write and direct animated feature films. A full length script is currently in the early stages of development and more information about this project will pop up here as the script evolves.

Log-line: A mad scientist discovers how to create life in the form of an miniature society, but ends up in a war with his own creation.


Phone: +46 707 460 447
Office: Skiftesgatan 9C, 417 06, Gothenburg/ SWEDEN

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